An Observatory for the Conservation of Marine Megafauna

The PELAGIS Observatory is a Research Support Unit (UAR 3462) of La Rochelle University and CNRS. The Pelagis Observatory is structured around two main missions which define its role as a UMS, (1) supporting research in ecology and conservation of marine megafauna, notably through the collection and banking of long-term data, and (2) supporting public conservation policies, notably through its role as an expert for the ministry in charge of ecology.

These missions are divided into three areas: “Monitoring systems”, “Parameters and indicators” and “Support to public policies”.
Transversally, the Observatory is developing an information system hosting various databases on demography, distribution, strandings, telemetric monitoring and biological parameters, as well as a national sampling bank. Pelagis’ membership of the CEBC allows the valorisation of the observatory’s data through research.

PELAGIS website