Publications 1993

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ARNOULD C., ORGEUR P., SEMPÉRÉ A.J.S., SIGNORET J.P. Répulsion alimentaire chez trois espèces d’ongulés en situation de pâturage : effet des excréments de chien. Revue d’Écologie (Terre et Vie). 1993, 48, 121-132

BERTEAUX D. Female biased mortality in a sexually dimorphic ungulate: feral cattle of Amsterdam Island. Journal of Mammalogy. 1993, 74, 732-737

BONNET X., NAULLEAU G. Relations entre la glycémie et l’activité saisonnière chez Vipera aspis L. Amphibia-Reptilia. 1993, 14, 296-306

BONNET X., NAULLEAU G. La Vipère aspic : un modèle d’étude de la viviparité. La Recherche. 1993, 256, 902-905

BRETAGNOLLE V. Adaptive significance of seabird coloration: the case of procellariiforms. American Naturalist. 1993, 142, 141-173

BRETAGNOLLE V. A l’interface entre la Terre et la Mer : les oiseaux et les mammifères marins des Terres Australes. In: “Recherches polaires : une stratégie pour l’an 2000“. 1993, 235-242

BRETAGNOLLE V. Call types of the Common Swift Apus apus: adult call given at the nest. Avocetta. 1993, 17, 141-146

BRETAGNOLLE V., THIBAULT. J.C. Communicative behavior in breeding ospreys (Pandion haliaetus): description and relationship of signals to life history. Auk. 1993, 110, 736-751

CHASTEL O., WEIMERSKIRCH H., JOUVENTIN P. High annual variability in reproductive success and survival of an antarctic seabird, the Snow Petrel Pagodroma nivea: a 27-year study. Oecologia. 1993, 94, 278-285

CHASTEL C., DEMAZURE M., CHASTEL O., GENEVOIS F., LEGRAND M.C., GRULET O., ODERMATI M., LE GOFF F. A rickettsia-like organism from Ixodes uriae ticks collected on the Kerguelen islands (French Subantarctic Territories). Acta Virologica. 1993, 37, 11-20

DUNCAN P., JARMAN P.J. The conservation of biodiversity in managed rangelands, with special emphasis on the ecological effects of large domestic and wild ungulates. Proceedings of XVII International Grasslands Congress. 1993, 2077-2084

FERRET M., COLLET A., GUINET C. Statut et comportement social du Grand Dauphin Trsiops truncatus Mont. 1821 dans le bassin d’Arcachon. Revue d’Écologie (Terre et Vie). 1993, 48, 257-278

FRITZ H., DUNCAN P. Large herbivores in Rangelands. Scientific Correspondence, Nature. 1993, 364, 292-293

GORDON I.J., DUNCAN P. Common determinants of production and conservation objectives. In: “Grassland Management and Nature Conservation“, R. Haggar & S. Peel, Eds., British Grassland Society Occasional Symposium. 1993, 28, 20-32

HALL S.J.G., RUANE J. Livestock breeds and their conservation: a global overview. Conservation Biology. 1993, 7, 815-825

JALLAGEAS M., MAS N., SABOUREAU M., ROUSSEL J.P., LACROIX A. Effect of surgical bilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy on thyroid and gonadal functions in edible dormice Glis glis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 1993, 104, (A), 299-304

ROBISSON P. Adaptation du transfert de l’information individuelle au milieu colonial chez les manchots. Revue d’Écologie (Terre et Vie). 1993, 48, 133-141

ROBISSON P., AUBIN T., BRÉMOND J.C. Individuality in the voice of the Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri: adaptation to a noisy environment. Ethology. 1993, 94, 279-290

SALAMOLARD M., WEIMERSKIRCH H. Relationship between foraging effort and energy requirement throughout the breeding season in the Wandering albatross. Functional Ecology. 1993, 7, 643-652

VERHEYDEN C. Kelp Gulls exploit food provided by active Right whales. Colonial Waterbirds. 1993, 16, 88-91

VIGNAULT M.P., SABOUREAU M. Rythmes d’activité chez le Hérisson au cours de l’hibernation. Revue d’Écologie (Terre et Vie). 1993, 48, 109-119

VIOT C.R., JOUVENTIN P., BRIED J. Population genetics of southern seabirds. Marine Ornithology. 1993, 21, 1-25

WALMSLEY J., DUNCAN P. Industrial salinas in the Camargue and the conservation of breeding seabird populations. In: “Status and Conservation of Seabirds“. J.S. Aguilar, X. Monbaillu & A.M. Paterson, Eds. Proceedings of 2nd Mediterranean Seabird Symposium. Sociedad Espanola de Ornitologia (SEO), Madrid (Espana). 1993, 285-294

WEIMERSKIRCH H., SALAMOLARD M., SARRAZIN F., JOUVENTIN P. Foraging strategy of Wandering Albatrosses through the breeding season: a study using satellite telemetry. Auk. 1993, 110, 325-342