Dear Friends, Dear Colleagues,

The EWSS is now approaching fast and we will be delighted to host you at Chizé.

The Symposium will be officially launched on the April 10th at 13:30 by Jean-Marc Ogier President of La Rochelle University at CEBC seminar room. The EWSS will end Friday April 12th at 16:00 with trains leaving Niort train station to Paris at 16:59 and 17:40.

For booking your train tickets you can go to:


(Paris Montparnasse- Niort).

As most of you will arrive by train (TGV) at the Niort train station could you communicate us your arrival time at Niort train station. There is a TGV (Very Fast Train) leaving Paris Montparnasse 1 & 2 train station at 9:24 AM and arriving at 11:42 at Niort. That would be ideal  if you could take that train.

For practical reasons could you send me and copy Baptiste (baptiste.picard@cebc.cnrs.fr)  your planned arrival and departure time from Niort train station so we can start planning the transportation between CEBC and the Train station.

Housing is provided and covered  by the symposium at the Villiers en Bois,  Gite Le Prioulet (https://www.leprioulet.com/).

Le Prioulet is offering 2 to 4 beds dormitories, if you don’t want to share bedrooms please let us know to best organize the space use.

If you are not staying at le Prioulet please let us know.

Breakfast will be taken at le Prioulet, while lunch and dinner will be taken at CEBC.

For non-student participants there is a small registration fee of 55 €. Please register ASAP and proceed to the payment at:


or directly at:


The detailed program will be sent very shortly and the symposium will be held in an hybrid format with very few participants participating remotely.

For those attending the phytoplankton workshop on the 9th, 9:30-17:00. Please let us know when you are planning to arrive so we can start organizing the logistic.

If you have any queries, please come back to me or Baptiste.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Chizé very soon.


Christophe and Baptiste



Christophe Guinet

Directeur de Recherche CNRS

Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé

UMR 7372 Université de la Rochelle-CNRS

405 route de Prissé la Charrière

79360 Villiers en Bois


Tel : 05 49 09 78 39
