899 documents

  • Clara Azarian, Laurent Bopp, Jean-Baptiste Sallée, Sebastiaan Swart, Christophe Guinet, et al.. Marine heatwaves and global warming impacts on winter waters in the Southern Indian Ocean. Journal of Marine Systems, 2024, 243, pp.103962. ⟨10.1016/j.jmarsys.2023.103962⟩. ⟨hal-04483641⟩
  • Juliette Aminian Biquet, Paul Tixier, Gaëtan Richard, Marie Soehnlen, Thibaut Thellier, et al.. Toothed whale and shark depredation and bycatch in the longline fishery of French Polynesia. Fisheries Research, 2024, 271, pp.106928. ⟨10.1016/j.fishres.2023.106928⟩. ⟨hal-04432042⟩
  • Erwan Piot, Lea Hippauf, Laura Charlanne, Baptiste Picard, Jérôme Badaut, et al.. From land to ocean: one month for southern elephant seal pups to acquire aquatic skills prior to their first departure to sea. Physiology & behavior, 2024, 279, pp.114525. ⟨10.1016/j.physbeh.2024.114525⟩. ⟨hal-04521625⟩
  • Liz Loutrage, Anik Brind'Amour, Tiphaine Chouvelon, Jérôme Spitz. Ontogenetic shift or not? Different foraging trade‐offs within the meso‐ to bathypelagic fish community. Ecology And Evolution, 2024, 14 (3), e11129 (18p.). ⟨10.1002/ece3.11129⟩. ⟨hal-04573212⟩
  • Clémentine Fritsch, Brice Mr Appenzeller, Colette Bertrand, Michael Coeurdassier, Vincent Driget, et al.. Exposure of wild mammals to glyphosate, AMPA, and glufosinate: a case for "emerging organic contaminants"?. 2024. ⟨hal-04485797⟩
  • A. Machado-Gaye, A. Kato, M. Chimienti, N. Gobel, Y. Ropert-Coudert, et al.. Using latent behavior analysis to identify key foraging areas for Adélie penguins in a declining colony in West Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Biology, 2024, 171 (3), pp.69. ⟨10.1007/s00227-024-04390-w⟩. ⟨hal-04501116⟩
  • Pierrick Blanchard, Karine Delord, Aymeric Bodin, Kevin Guille, Tobie Getti, et al.. Impact and control of feral cats preying on wandering albatrosses: Insights from a field experiment. Ecosphere, 2024, 15 (e4792), ⟨10.1002/ecs2.4792⟩. ⟨hal-04498633⟩
  • Hassen Allegue, Christophe Guinet, Samantha C Patrick, Cécile Ribout, Coraline Bichet, et al.. Offspring sex ratio increases with paternal reproductive success in a colony of southern elephant seals. Marine Mammal Science, 2024, 40 (3), ⟨10.1111/mms.13108⟩. ⟨hal-04640059⟩
  • Joffrey Jouma'A, Florian Orgeret, Baptiste Picard, Patrick W Robinson, Henri Weimerskirch, et al.. Contrasting offspring dependence periods and diving development rates in two closely related marine mammal species. Royal Society Open Science, 2024, 11 (1), ⟨10.1098/rsos.230666⟩. ⟨hal-04424139⟩
  • Patrick J Lewin, Joe Wynn, José Manuel Arcos, Rhiannon E Austin, Josephine Blagrove, et al.. Climate change drives migratory range shift via individual plasticity in shearwaters. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2024, 121 (6), pp.e2312438121. ⟨10.1073/pnas.2312438121⟩. ⟨hal-04431942⟩