
On the trail of the Arctic animals

Climate change is taking the Arctic into a new ecological state. To understand the consequences of the upheavals this region is undergoing, an international research consortium, including researchers from the Centre d’études biologiques de Chizé (CEBC – CNRS / University of La Rochelle) and the Littoral, Environnement et Sociétés laboratory (LIENSs – CNRS / University…
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A Regional Chair of Excellence for the Ecology and Conservation of Marine Birds and Mammals

The New Aquitaine region has awarded David Grémillet and Charles-André Bost (Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé CNRS- La Rochelle University) a 4-year regional chair of excellence, which will enable them to lead a regional research center focused on the ecology and conservation of marine birds and mammals. Read more


The forgotten role of pollinators

They put microphones in sunflower fields… to count bees and other pollinators! Discover, in this report broadcast in partnership with, the clever experiments carried out by a team from the Chizé Center for Biological Studies and its partners in the Plaine & Val de Sèvre Workshop Zone to study these different insects and their…
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Pollution: the paradoxical effects of perfluorinated compounds on an Arctic gull

PFAS chemical molecules, also known as perfluorinated pollutants or eternal pollutants, are part of our everyday life. It has been shown since the 2000s that these elements contaminate ecosystems, even in areas far removed from human activities, such as the Arctic regions. However, a study by the Center for Biological Studies in Chizé and its…
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In the Arctic, seagulls victims of pollution

The chemicals we use in our cities can pollute regions… thousands of miles away! Follow a Franco-Norwegian team as they follow the trail of fluorinated compounds, used in our waterproofing and non-stick surfaces, as they travel to the Arctic Circle where they accumulate in the bodies of seagulls. See Aurélien Prudor’s film    

Behind the scenes of a scientific mission following Adélie’s penguins

The intensification of the frequency of extreme climatic events could have very important ecological consequences on this species, as the reproduction cycle and feeding of Adelie penguins are closely linked to ice conditions. Lire la suite

Dynamic marine areas take climate change into account

A study published in “Nature” suggests a regular review of marine protected areas in the Southern Ocean to ensure the continued protection of ecologically significant areas over time and space. Lire la suite

Covid-19 containment reveals human impact on wildlife

An international team of scientists is studying how animals respond to reduced human activity during the Covid-19 pandemic. In an article published on June 22, 2020 in Nature Ecology & Evolution, the scientists in charge of this new global initiative, “COVID-19 bio-logging initiative”, explain how research during this devastating health crisis can inspire innovative strategies…
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Weeds at the service of agriculture

Two recent studies from the Disco-Weed project demonstrate the key role of weeds in the functioning of agricultural ecosystems. They also identify the measures to be implemented to promote their presence in the plots without harming agricultural production. The Disco-Weed research project was funded by the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB) and carried out…
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Marine indicators of ecological change

For half a century, the Centre d’études biologiques de Chizé (CEBC) has been interested in the ecophysiology of marine predators. La Croix