Publications 1996

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ARROYO B.E., KING J.R. Age and sex differences in molt of the Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus. Journal of Raptor Research. 1996, 30, 161-184

BONNET X., NAULLEAU G. Are body reserves important for reproduction in male dark green snake (Colubridae, Coluber viridiflavus). Herpetologica. 1996, 52, 137-146

BONNET X., NAULLEAU G. Catchability in snakes: consequences on estimates of breeding frequency. Canadial Journal of Zoology. 1996, 74, 233-239

BRETAGNOLLE V. Acoustic communication in a group of non passerine birds, the petrels. In: “Ecology and Evolution of Acoustic Communication in Birds“, D.E. Kroodsma & E.H. Miller, Eds. Cornell University Press. 1996, 160-177

BRETAGNOLLE V., ATTIÉ C. Colauration and biometrics of fledgling Audubon’s shearwaters Puffinus lherminieri from Reunion Island, Indian Ocean. Bulletin British Ornithology Club. 1996, 166, 194-197

BRETAGNOLLE V., ATTIÉ C. Comments on a possible new species of Scops Owl Otus sp. on Réunion. African Bird Club. 1991

BRETAGNOLLE V., TROLLIET B., BUREL F., DUBY F., ROCAMORA G., ROSOUX R., TOURNEBIZE T., DUNCAN P. Decline of dabbling ducks in Baie de l’Aiguillon: testing the hypotheses. In: Proceedings Anatidae 2000 Conférance Strasbourg, France 5-9 Dec 1994, M. Birkan, J. van Vessem, P. Havet, B. Trolliet et M. Moser Eds. Gibier Faune Sauvage/Game Wildl. 1996, 13, 308-311

CAPDEVILLE D. Impact of marine mammals on the longline fishery around the Kerguelen Islands (Division 58.5.1) during the 1995/1996 cruise. Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR Science). 4: WG-FSA-96/12. 1996, 12, 5 pp

CAPDEVILLE D., DUHAMEL G. By-catch in the longline fishery on the Kerguelen shelf slope (Division 58.5.1) during the 1994/1995 and 1995/1996 cruises. Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR Science). 4: WG-FSA-96/11. 1996, 11, 6 pp

CHASTEL O., BRIED J. Diving ability of blue petrels and thin-billed prions. Condor. 1996, 98, 627-629 (PDF)

CHEREL Y., RIDOUX V., RODHOUSE P.G. Fish and squid in the diet of king penguin chicks Aptenodytes patagonicus during winter at sub-Antarctic Crozet Islands. Marine Biology. 1996, 126, 559-570

CHEREL Y., WEIMERSKIRCH H., DUHAMEL G. Interactions between longline vessels and seabirds in Kerguelen waters and a method to reduce seabird mortality. Biological Conservervation. 1996, 75, 63-70

CHASTEL O., BONNET X. La procréation par années sabbatiques. La Recherche. 1996, 287, 34-35

CLOBERT J., DUNCAN P., DANCHIN E. (Eds) The ecology and conservation of fragmented populations. Proceedings Colloque Metapopulations, 18-20 Octobre 1995.Chizé, France. Acta Oecologia. 1996, 17, (6), 445-700

DERUAZ D., PEREZ-EID C., DERUAZ J., SEMPÉRÉ A., BOURGOUIN C., RODHAIN F. Use of enzyme-labelled protein for the detection of anti Borella burgdorferi antibodies in wild animal sera. European Journal of Epidemiology. 1996, 12, 515-519

DONCASTER C.P., MICOL T., PLESNER JENSEN Determining minimum habitat requirements in theory and practice. Oïkos. 1996, 75, 335-340

GARCIA V., JOUVENTIN P., MAUGET R. Parental care and the prolactin secretion pattern in the King penguin: an endogenously timed mechanism? Hormones and Behavior. 1996, 30, 259-265 (PDF)

GUINET C., CHEREL Y., RIDOUX V., JOUVENTIN P. Consumption of marine resources by seabirds and seals in Crozet and Kerguelen waters: changes in relation to consumer biomass 1962-1985. Antarctic Science. 1996, 8, 23-30

HALL S.J.G., NEVEU H., SEMPÉRÉ A.J.S. Application of a new technique to studying the grazing behaviour of Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 1996, 46, 145-157

HEWISON A.J.M., ANGIBAULT J.M., BOUTIN J.M., BIDEAU E., VINCENT J.P., SEMPÉRÉ A.J.S Annual variation in body composition of Roe deer. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 1996, 74, 245-253

JOUVENTIN P. Avant-propos et Introduction. Dans “Le Ragondin : biologie et méthodes de limitation des populations”, Ed. Acta. 1996, 5-9

JOUVENTIN P., BRIED J., AUSILIO E. Life-history variations of the Lesser sheathbill Chionis minor in contrasting habitats. Ibis. 1996, 138, 732-741

JOUVENTIN P., MAUGET R. The endocrine basis of the reproductive cycle in the King penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) . Journal of Zoology. 1996, 238, 665-678

KERSTEN M., VISSER W. Food intake of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus by day and by night measured with and electronic nest balance. Ardea. 1996, 84, 57-72

LECORRE M. The breeding seabirds of Tromelin Island (western Indian Ocean): population sizes, trends and breeding phenology. Ostrich. 1996, 67,155-159

LEROUX A., BRETAGNOLLE V. Sex ratio variations in broods of Montagu’s Harriers Circus Pygargus (Aves, Falconiformes). Journal of Avian Biology. 1996, 27, 63-69

MICOL T. Statut et gestion des populations introduites hors France. Dans “Le Ragondin : biologie et méthodes de limitation des populations”, Ed. Acta. 1996, 72-74

MICOL T., DONCASTER C.P., JOUVENTIN P. Biologie du Ragondin. Dans “Le Ragondin : biologie et méthodes de limitation des populations”, Ed. Acta. 1996, 89-95

MICOL T., DONCASTER C.P., JOUVENTIN P. Les effets de la lutte chimique sur la démographie des ragondins. Dans “Le Ragondin : biologie et méthodes de limitation des populations”, Ed. Acta. 1996, 12-28

MICOL T., DONCASTER C.P., JOUVENTIN P., GUEDON G. Démographie du Ragondin. Dans “Le Ragondin : biologie et méthodes de limitation des populations”, Ed. Acta. 1996, 30-41

MONARD A. M., DUNCAN P. Consequences of natal dispersal in female horses. Animal Behaviour. 1996, 52, 565-579 (PDF)

MONARD A.M., DUNCAN P., BOY, V. The proximate mechanisms of natal dispersal in female horses. Behaviour. 1996, 133, 1095-1124 (PDF)

MORIN M. F., PIQUEMAL J. P., VERHEYDEN C. La lutte chimique : devenir de la bromadiolone dans l’eau. Dans “Le Ragondin : biologie et méthodes de limitation des populations”, Ed. Acta. 1996, 102-113

NAULLEAU G., BONNET X. Body condition threshold for breeding in a viviparous snake. Oecologia. 1996, 107, 301-306

NAULLEAU G., BONNET X., DURET S. Déplacement et domaines vitaux des femelles reproductrices de vipères aspic dans le centre ouest de la France. Bulletin de la Société Herpétologique de France. 1996, 78, 5-18

NAULLEAU G., VERHEYDEN C. Les effets primaires de la bromadiolone sur le Ragondin. Dans “Le Ragondin : biologie et méthodes de limitation des populations”, Ed. Acta. 1996, 86-89

NAULLEAU G., VERHEYDEN C. Conséquences de la bromadiolone sur la faune sauvage. Dans “Le Ragondin : biologie et méthodes de limitation des populations”, Ed. Acta. 1996, 114-119

NUNN G.B., COOPER J., JOUVENTIN P., ROBERTSON C.J.R., ROBERTSON G.G. Evolutionary relationships among extant albatrosses (procellariiformes: diomedeidae) established from complete cytochrome-ß gene sequences. Auk. 1996, 113, 784-801

OLSON S.L., JOUVENTIN P. A new species of small flightless duck from Amsterdam island, southern indian ocean (Anatidae: Anas). Condor. 1996, 98, 1-9 (PDF)

RABOUAM C., BRETAGNOLLE V., THIBAULT J.C. Variation géographique de la biologie de reproduction chez le Puffin cendré Calonectris diomedea: un effet de la taille ou des conditions environnementales? Alauda. 1996, 64, 56

RABOUAM C., RIBEYRE J.P., SEGUIN J.F., THIBAULT J.C., ZOTIER R. Les oiseaux marins reproducteurs des îles mineures de la Maddalena. 1996, 71-81

SAGAR P., WEIMERSKIRCH H. Satellite tracking of southern Buller’s albatrosses from the Snares, New Zealand. Condor. 1996, 98, 649-652 (PDF)

SALAMOLARD M., BRETAGNOLLE V., BOUTIN J.M. Habitat use by Montagu’s harrier, Little Bustard and Stone Curlew in Western France: crop types and spatial heterogeneity. In: “Conservacion de las Aves Esteperias y su Habitat“, J. Fernadez Gutierrez & Sanz-Zuasti J. Eds. Junta de Castilla y Leon, Valladolid. 1996, 209-220

SAMUELS S.E., TAILLANDIER E., AUROUSSEAU E., CHEREL Y., LE MAHO Y., ARNAL M., ATTAIX D. Gastrointestinal tract protein synthesis and mRNA levels for proteolytic systems in adult fasted rats. American Journal of Physiology. 1996, 271, (Endocrinoly & Metabolism 34), E232-E238

SCHMIDLIN L., BONNET X., TÉGÉ C. Canibalism in Coluber viridiflavus. Herpetologica Review. 1996, 27, 143

SEMPÉRÉ A.J.S., ANCRENAZ H., DELHOMME A., GRETH A., BLANVILLAIN C. Length of oestrous cycle and gestation in the Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx), and the importance of the male presence for induction of postpartum oestrus. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 1996, 101, 235-242

THIBAULT J.C., ZOTIER R., GUYOT I., BRETAGNOLLE V. Recent trends in Mediterranean breeding marine birds with special reference to Corsica. Colonial Waterbirds. 1996, 19, 31-40

TIXIER H., DUNCAN P. Are European roe deer browsers? A review of variations in the composition of their diets. Revue d’Écologie (Terre et Vie). 1996, 51, 3-17 (PDF)

VERHEYDEN C. Les dispositifs de protection contre les dégâts. Dans “Le Ragondin : biologie et méthodes de limitation des populations”, Ed. Acta. 1996, 56-59

VERHEYDEN C. Le tir et le piégeage. Dans “Le Ragondin : biologie et méthodes de limitation des populations”, Ed. Acta. 1996, 98-101

VERHEYDEN C., ABBAS A. Impact du Ragondin sur le milieu. Dans “Le Ragondin : biologie et méthodes de limitation des populations”, Ed. Acta. 1996, 44-54

WARD J.F., MACDONALD D.W., DONCASTER C.P., MAUGET C. Physiological response of the European hedgehog to predator and monpredator odour. Physiology & Behavior. 1996, 60, 1469-1472

WEIMERSKIRCH H., SAGAR P. Diving depths of sooty shearwaters. Ibis. 1996, 138, 786-788

WILLIAMS R., CAPDEVILLE D. Seabird interactions with trawland longline fisheries for Dissostichus elegimoides and Champsocephalus gunnari. Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Science). 1996, 3, 93-99