Publications 2005

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AGREIL C., FRITZ H., MEURET M. Maintenance of daily intake in small ruminant by use of heterogeneous vegetation: instantaneous adjustment of bite mass and bite rate. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2005, 91, 35-56 (PDF)

AKESSON S., WEIMERSKIRCH H. Albatross long-distance navigation: comparing adults and juveniles. The Journal of Navigation. 2005, 58, 365-373 (PDF)

AUBRET F., BONNET X. The influence of body reserves and eye opacity in tiger snakes. Journal of experimental Zoology. 2005, 303, (A), 1075-1084

AUBRET F., BONNET X., MAUMELAT S. Tail loss, body condition and swimming performances in Tiger snakes, notechis ater occidentalis. Journal of experimental Zoology. 2005, 303, (A), 894-903

AUBRET F., BONNET X., HARRIS M., MAUMELAT S. Sex differences in body size and ectoparasite load in the ball Python, Python regius. Journal of Herpetology. 2005, 39, (2), 312-315 (PDF)

AUBRET F., BONNET X., PEARSON D., SHINE R. How can blind tiger snakes (Notechis scutatus) forage successfully? Australian Journal of Zoology. 2005, 53, 283-288 (PDF)

AUBRET F., BONNET X., SHINE R., MAUMELAT S. Energy expenditure for parental care may be trivial for brooding pythons, Python regius. Animal Behaviour. 2005, 69, 1043-1053 (PDF)

AUBRET F., BONNET X., SHINE R., MAUMELAT S. Why do female ball pythons (Python regius) coil so tightly around their eggs. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 2005, 7, 743-658 (PDF)

AUBRET F., BONNET X., SHINE R., MAUMELAT S. Swimming and pregnancy in Tiger snakes, Notechis scutatus. Amphibia-Reptilia. 2005, 26, 396-400 (PDF)

BAILLEUL F., LUCQUE S., DUBROCA L., ARNOULD JPY, GUINET C. Differences in foraging strategy and maternal behaviour between two sympatric fur seal species at the Crozet islands. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2005, 293, 273-282 (PDF)

BARBRAUD C., GELINAUD G. Estimating the size of large Gull Colonies taking into account nest detection probability. Waterbirds. 2005, 28, (1), 53-60 (PDF)

BARBRAUD C., WEIMERSKIRCH H. Environmental conditions and breeding experience affect costs of reproduction in blue petrels. Ecology. 2005, 86, (3), 682-692 (PDF)

BARJE F., SLIMANI T., EL MOUDEN E.H., LAGARDE F., BONNET X., BEN KADDOUR K. Shrewd shrikes and spiny shrubs: a calamity for hatchling Moorish tortoise. Amphibia-Reptilia. 2005, 26, 113-115 (PDF)

BEAUPLET G., BARBRAUD C., CHAMBELLANT M., GUINET C. Interannual variation in the post-weaning and juvenile survival of subantarctic fur seals: influence of pup sex, growth rate, and oceanographic conditions. Journal of Animal Ecology. 2005, 74, 1160-1172 (PDF)

BEN KADDOUR K., EL MOUDEN E.H., SLIMANI T., LAGARDE F., BONNET X. Dimorphisme sexuel et cinétique de croissance et de maturation chez Testudo graeca graeca dans les Jbilets Centrales, Maroc. Revue d’Ecologie Terre et Vie. 2005, 60, (3), 265-278 (PDF)

BONNET X., AUBRET F., LOURDAIS O., LADYMAN M., BRADSHAW D., MAUMELAT S. Do “quiet” places make animals placid? Island versus mainland Tiger snakes. Ethology. 2005, 111, 573-592 (PDF)

BONNET X., INECH I., SHINE R. Terrestrial locomotion in sea snakes: the effects of sex and species on cliff-climbing ability in sea kraits (Serpentes, Elapidae, Laticauda). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2005, 85, 433-441 (PDF)

BRETAGNOLLE V., INCHAUSTI P. Modelling population reinforcement at a large spatial scale as a conservation strategy for the declining little bustard (Tetrax tetrax) in agricultural habitats. Animal Conservation. 2005, 8, 59-68 (PDF)

CARO S., BALTHAZART J., THOMAS S.W., LACROIX A., CHASTEL O., LAMBRECHTS M. Endocrine correlates of the breeding asynchrony between two corsican populations of blue tits (Parus caeruleus). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 2005, 140, 52-60 (PDF)

CHASTEL O., BARBRAUD C., WEIMERSKIRCH H., LORM�E H., LACROIX A., TOSTAIN O. High levels of LH and testosterone in a tropical seabird with an elaborate courtship display. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 2005, 140, 33-40 (PDF)

CHASTEL O., LACROIX A., WEIMERSKIRCH H., GABRIELSEN G.W. Modulation of prolactin but not corticosterone responses to stress in relation to parental effort in a long-lived bird. Hormones and Behavior. 2005, 47, 459-466 (PDF)

CHEREL Y., HOBSON K.A. Stable isotopes, beaks and predators: a new tool to study ecology of cephalopods, including giant and colossal squids. Proceedings of the Royal Society. 2005, 272, 1601-1607 (PDF)

CHEREL Y., HOBSON K.A., WEIMERSKIRCH H. Using stable isotopes to study resource acquisition and allocation in procellariiform seabirds. Oecologia. 2005, 145, 533-540 (PDF)

CHEREL Y., HOBSON K.A., HASSANI S. Isotopic discrimination between food and blood and feathers of captive penguins: implications for dietary studies in the wild. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 2005, 78, (1), 106-115 (PDF)

CHEREL Y., HOBSON K.A., BAILLEUL F., GROSCOLAS R. Nutrition, physiology, and stable isotopes: new information from fasting and molting penguins. Ecology. 2005, 86, (11), 2881-2888 (PDF)

CONNAN M., MAYZAUD P., BOUTOUTE M., WEIMERSKIRCH H., CHEREL Y. Lipid composition of stomach oil in a procellatiiform seabird Puffinus tenuirostris: implications for food web studies. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2005, 290, 277-290 (PDF)

CRISCUOLO F., CHASTEL O., BERTILE F., GABRIELSEN G.W., LE MAHO Y., RACLOT T. Corticosterone alone does not trigger a short term behavioural shift in incubating female Common Eiders, but does modify long term reproductive success. Journal of Avian Biology. 2005, 36, 306-312 (PDF)

DEFOS du RAU P., BARBRAUD C., MONDAIN-MONVAL J.Y. Incorporating uncertainty into habitat selection analyses: application to a rare species, the Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina, and its conservation. Biological Conservation. 2005, 125, 355-367 (PDF)

De GARINE-WICHATITSKY M., FRITZ H., GORDON I.J., ILLIUS A.W. Bush selection along foraging pathways by sympatric impala and greater kudu. Oecologia. 2005,141, 66-75 (PDF)

De GARINE-WITCHATITSKY M., SOUBEYRAN Y., MAILLARD D., DUNCAN P. The diets of introduced Rusa deer (Cervus russa timorensis) in a native sclerophyll forest and a native rainforest in New-Caledonia. New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 2005, 23, 117-126 (PDF)

DELORD K., GASCO N., WEIMERSKIRCH H., BARBRAUD C., MICOL T. Seabird mortality in the patagonian toothfish longline fishery around Crozet and Kerguelen islands, 2001-2003. CCAMLR Science. 2005, 12, 53-80 (PDF)

DURIEZ O., FRITZ H., SAID S., FERRAND Y. Wintering behaviour and spatial ecology of Eurasian woodcock Scolopax rusticola in western France. Ibis. 2005, 147, 519-532 (PDF)

DURIEZ O., ERAUD C., BARBRAUD C., FERRAND Y. Factors affecting population dynamics of Eurasian woodcocks wintering in France: assessing the efficiency of a hunting-free reserve. Biological Conservation. 2005, 122, (1), 89-97 (PDF)

DURIEZ O., FERRAND Y., BINET F., CORDA E., GOSSMANN F., FRITZ H. Habitat selection of the Eurasian woodcock in winter in relation to earthworms availability. Biological Conservation. 2005, 122, 479-490 (PDF)

DURIEZ O., FRITZ H., BINET F., TREMBLAY Y., FERRAND Y. Individual activity rates in wintering Eurasian woodcocks: starvation versus predation risk trade-off? Animal Behaviour. 2005, 69, 39-49 (PDF)

ENGEN S., LANDE R., SAETHER B.E., WEIMERSKIRCH H. Extinction in relation to demographic and environmental stochasticity in age-structured modeles. Mathematical Biosciences. 2005, 195, 210-227 (PDF)

ERAUD C., DURIEZ O., CHASTEL O., FAIVRE B. The energetic cost of humoral immunity in the Collared Dove, Streptotelia decaocto: is the magnitude sufficient to force energy-based trade-offs? Functionnal Ecology. 2005, 19, 110-118 (PDF)

FLEURANCE G., DUNCAN P., FRITZ H., CABARET J., GORDON I.J. Importance of nutritional and anti-parasite strategies in the foraging decisions of horses : an experimental test. Oikos. 2005, 110, 602-612 (PDF)

GAIDET N., FRITZ H., MESSAD S., MUTAKE S., LE BEL S. Efficiency of game counting methods for measuring species diversity: a species-accumulation curve approach. African Journal of Ecology. 2005, 43, 56-63

GUINET C., SERVERA N., DEVILLE T., BEAUPLET G. Changes in subantarctic fur seal pups’ activity budget, diving and foraging behaviours throughout their rearing period. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 2005, 83, 962-970 (PDF)

HOOPER D.U., CHAPIN F.S., EWEL J.J., HECTOR A., INCHAUSTI P. Effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning: a consensus of current knowledge and needs for future research. Ecological Monographs. 2005, 75, 3-35 (PDF)

INEICH I., BONNET X. Bavaya Cyclura (Forest Bavayia) predation. Herpetological Review. 2005, 36, 445

INCHAUSTI P., BRETAGNOLLE V. Predicting short-term extinction risk for the declining Little Bustard (Tetrax tetrax) in intensive agricultural habitats. Biological Conservation. 2005, 122, 375-384 (PDF)

JAQUEMET S., LE CORRE M., MARSAC F., POTIER M., WEIMERSKIRCH H. Foraging habitats of the seabird community of Europa Island (Mozambique Channel). Marine Biology. 2005, 147, 573-582 (PDF)

JENOUVRIER S., BARBRAUD C., WEIMERSKIRCH H. Long-term contrasted responses to climate of two antarctic seabird species. Ecology. 2005, 86, (11), 2889-2903 (PDF)

JENOUVRIER S., BARBRAUD C., CAZELLES B., WEIMERSKIRCH H. Modelling population dynamics of seabirds: importance of the effects of climate fluctuations on breeding proportions. Oikos. 2005, 108, 511-522 (PDF)

JENOUVRIER S., WEIMERSKIRCH H., BARBRAUD C., PARK Y.H., CAZELLES B. Evidence of a shift in cyclicity of Antarctic seabirds dynamics link to climate. Proceedings of the Royal Society, 2005, 272, 887-89 (PDF)

LAGARDE F., CORBIN J., GOUJON C., POISBLEAU M. Polymorphisme et performances au combat chez les mâles de Lucane cerf-volant (Lucanus cervus). Revue d’Ecologie Terre et Vie. 2005, 60,127-137 (PDF)

LESCROEL A., BOST C.A. Foraging under contrasting oceanographic conditions: the Gentoo Penguin at Kerguelen Archipelago. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2005, 302, 245-261 (PDF)

LORMÉE H., BARBRAUD C., CHASTEL O. Reversed sexual size dimorphism and parental care in the Red-footed Booby Sula sula. Ibis. 2005, 147, 307-315 (PDF)

LOURDAIS O., BRISCHOUX F., BARANTIN L. How to assess musculature and performance in a constricting snake? A case study in the Colombian rainbow boa (Epicrates cenchria maurus). Journal of Zoology. 2005, 265, 43-51 (PDF)

LOURDAIS O., BRISCHOUX F., SHINE R., BONNET X. Adaptive maternal cannibalism in snakes (Epicrates cenchria maurus, Boidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2005, 84, 767-774 (PDF)

MILLON A., BRETAGNOLLE V. Nonlinear and population-specific offspring sex ratios in relation to high variation in prey abundance. Oikos. 2005, 108, 535-543 (PDF)

MORALES M., BRETAGNOLLE V., ARROYO B. Viability of the endangered little bustard Tetrax tetrax population of western France. Biodiversity and Conservation. 2005, 14, 3135-3150 (PDF)

PARISOT M., TANVEZ A., LACROIX A., VALLET E., BEGUIN N., LEBOUCHER G. Social competition and plasma testosterone profile in domesticated canaries: an experimental test of the challenge hypothesis. Hormones and Behaviour. 2005, 48, 225-232 (PDF)

PETTORELLI N., GAILLARD J.M., YOCCOZ N.G., DUNCAN P., MAILLARD D., DELORMES D., VAN LAERE G., TOIGOS C. The response of fawn survival to changes in habitat quality varies according to cohord quality and spatial scale. Journal of Animal Ecology. 2005, 74, 972-981 (PDF)

PINAUD D., CHEREL Y., WEIMERSKIRCH H. Effect of environmental variability on habitat selection, diet, provisioning behaviour and chick growth in yellow-nosed albatrosses. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2005, 298, 295-304 (PDF)

PINAUD D., WEIMERSKIRCH H. Scale-dependant habitat use in a long-ranging central place predator. Journal of Animal Ecology. 2005, 74, 852-863 (PDF)

PITMAN R.L., BALLANCE L.T., BOST C.A. Clipperton island: pig sty, rat hole and booby prize. Marine Ornithology. 2005, 33, 193-194 (PDF)

POISBLEAU M., FRITZ H., GUILLEMAIN M., LACROIX A. Testosterone and linear social dominance status in captive male dabbling ducks in winter. Ethology. 2005, 111, 493-509 (PDF)

POISBLEAU M., FRITZ H., GUILLON No., CHASTEL O. Linear social dominance hierarchy and corticosterone responses in male mallards and pintails. Hormones and Behavior. 2005, 47, 485-492 (PDF)

PREAULT M., CHASTEL O., CÉZILLY F., FAIVRE B. Male bill colour and age are associated with parental abilities and breeding performance in blackbirds. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology. 2005, 58, 497-505 (PDF)

PUGLISI L., BRETAGNOLLE V. Breeding biology of the Great Bittern. Waterbirds. 2005, 28, (3), 392-398 (PDF)

PUTZ K., CHEREL Y. The diving behaviour of brooding king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) from the Falkland Islands: variation in dive profiles and synchronous underwater swimming provide nex insights into their foraging strategies. Marine Biology. 2005, 147, 281-290 (PDF)

SAID S., SERVANTY S. The influence of landscape structure on female roe deer home-range size. Landscape Ecology. 2005, 20, 1003-1012 (PDF)

SAID S., PELLERIN M., GUILLON N., DEBIAS F., FRITZ H. Assessment of forage availability in ecological studies. European Journal of Wildlife Research. 2005, 51, (4), 242-247 (PDF)

SAID S., GAILLARD J.M., DUNCAN P., GUILLON Na., GUILLON No., SERVANTY S., PELLERIN M., LEFEUVRE K., MARTIN C., VAN LAERE G. Ecological correlates of home range size in spring-summer for female roe deer in a deciduous woodland. Journal of Zoology. 2005, 267, 301-308 (PDF)

TREMBLAY Y., CHEREL Y. Spatial and temporal variation in the provisioning behaviour of female rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome filholi. Journal of Avian Biology. 2005, 36, 135-145 (PDF)

TREMBLAY Y., COOK T.R., CHEREL Y. Time budget and diving behaviour of chick-rearing Crozet shags. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 2005, 83, 971-982 (PDF)

VALKAMA J., KORPIMÄKI E., ARROYO B., BRETAGNOLLE V., BRO E., REDPATH S., MAÑOSA S., THIRGOOD S., VIÑUELA J. Birds of prey as limiting factors of gamebird populations in Europe: a review. Biological Review. 2005, 80, 171-203 (PDF)

DeVILLIERS M.S., COOPER J., CARMICHAEL N., GLAS J.P., LIDDLE G.M., McIVOR E., MICOL T., ROBERTS A. Conservation management at Southern Ocean Islands: towards the development of Best-Practice guidelines. Polarforschung. 2005, 75, (2-3), 113-131 (PDF)

WEIMERSKIRCH H. Albatrosses and petrels across the world. Marine Ornothology. 2005, 33, 73 (PDF)

WEIMERSKIRCH H., GAULT A., CHEREL Y. Prey distribution and patchiness: factors in foraging success and efficiency of wandering albatrosses. Ecology. 2005, 86, (10), 2611-2622 (PDF)

WEIMERSKIRCH H., LALLEMAND J., MARTIN J. Population sex ratio variation in a monogamous long-lived bird, the wandering albatros. Journal of Animal Ecology. 2005, 74, 285-291 (PDF)

WEIMERSKIRCH H., LE CORRE M., JAQUEMET S., MARSAC F. Foraging strategy of a tropical seabird, the red-footed booby, in a dynamic marine environment. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2005, 288, 251-261 (PDF)

WEIMERSKIRCH H., LE CORRE M., ROPERT-COUDERT Y., KATO A., MARSAC F. The three-dimension flight of red-footed boobies: adaptations to foraging in a tropical environment? Proceedings of The Royal Society B. 2005, 272, 53-61 (PDF)